About Us

Reducing Textile Waste through result-oriented cross-industry collaborations


Welcome to Forebode, where we tackle the impending disaster of textile waste head-on. As a circular design consultancy in Textile and fashion, we are driven by a team of industry professionals, designers, activists, and academics with a common goal: to reduce textile waste in Europe and keep it within the borders of the EU.


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Our Story

Our journey began with a spark of excitement, born from the success of various projects with our brand clients. Through cross-industry collaborations, we crafted beautiful and soulful stories that allowed brands to openly address their challenges with clients, involving NGOs, communities, students, academics, and charity stores in the creative process. However, as we delved deeper into the subject, we discovered the dark reality of textile waste – much of it cannot be recycled. 

Undeterred, we embarked on a collective mission to build solutions for brands and consumers alike, aiming to minimize waste at every stage of production and consumption through human interaction. Our three key values, Minimize, Upcycle, and Recycle, form the foundation of our approach, enabling brands to seamlessly integrate circular design practices into their operations.

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Our Mission

At Forebode, we believe that by working together, we can create a sustainable future for the textile and fashion industry, where waste is minimized, and valuable resources are given new life. Join us on this transformative journey as we pave the way towards a circular and regenerative future for the fashion world.